About Us


Founded in 2000, Redev is a software development company that provides a comprehensive range of software services, encompassing the full project life cycle and ongoing operational support.

Initially working primarily in the Finance sector, the company diversified and expanded into various other sectors including Retail and Energy. Our team is comprised of the best development talent, specializing in a variety of technologies to support our ongoing projects.

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Global Customers


Projects Delivered


Years of Business


Countries Operating In

Why Choose Us?

We follow a strong and effective software development process to build outstanding applications which work, perform and deliver.

Punctual Project Delivery

We prioritise punctuality, ensuring that your projects are delivered on schedule with precision and reliability.

Seamless Communication

Our commitment to transparent and open communication guarantees that you are always in the loop, fostering a collaborative and smooth development process.

Strong Technical Competency

With a team proficient in cutting-edge technologies, we bring a high level of technical expertise to every project, ensuring robust and efficient solutions.


Our meticulous project management approach encompasses every aspect, providing you with a comprehensive and well-organized development experience.

Comprehensive Project Management

Dedicated and passionate teams are at the core of our services, ensuring your projects benefit from unwavering commitment and enthusiasm.

Committed Teams

We guarantee that our solutions are not just for today but are designed to scale seamlessly, adapting to your evolving business needs and future growth.

Some Technologies we Use

What We Do

Software Development
Increase brand visibility and engagement with our user-friendly and innovative mobile apps and websites. Find out more
Operations Transformation
Evolve and grow with ease. From start to finish our team will guide you through the process enabling your business to expand. Find out more
Systems Integration
Streamline your business efficiency by integrating your business systems into one operational framework. Find out more
Modernise, simplify and adapt your workflow, by migrating your data to the cloud. Find out more
Develop software applications that communicate with short and long-range frequencies. Find out more
Artificial Intelligence
Delivering interactive experiences to improve efficiency, raise customer satisfaction and maximise profit for your business. Find out more

Want To Start Your Own Project?

Are you interested in starting your own project but you're not sure where to start? Contact us to discuss your project idea further or view our existing case studies to see how we can help you.

Talk to us!

How can we help with your project?

Fill out the form below, email us at info@redev.co.uk or call us on 0113 242 4001 to get the ball rolling.